Sci-Cafe’ – Tate’s Hell Restoration
July 22, 2021 @ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Dr. Paul Medley, GIS Program Manager for USDA National Forests in Florida, will describe the project and the progress that has been made on the Apalachicola Regional Restoration Initiative. The Initiative is a long-term, collaborative project focused on restoring the ecosystems surrounding the Apalachicola River and Apalachicola Bay. The first phase (2017-2022) is underway and involves hydrologic restoration on Tate’s Hell State Forest and the spatial assessment of hydrologic and ecological restoration needs in the Apalachicola region. This talk will focus on the spatial planning tools and products developed for ARRI Strategy 1 through a collaboration between the USDA Forest Service and Florida A&M University at the Center for Spatial Ecology and Restoration (CSER). ARRI Strategies 2 & 3 will build upon these efforts to help restore longleaf pine, coastal ecosystems, and hydrology within the Apalachicola Region of Florida.
This virtual Sci-Cafe’ will take place on Microsoft Teams. Simply go to the link below at 3pm Thursday, July 22nd to participate.
If you have any questions please contact Josh Eaton at joshua.eaton@floridadep.gov