Chronolog Stations

We are excited to announce a new way for the public to get involved in monitoring our reserve lands through Chronolog photo-monitoring! Chronolog is an easy-to-use worldwide citizen-science tool used to create time lapses from photos submitted by the community. These photos capture vital changes happening daily in our natural lands.
ANERR is now home to two new Chronolog photo stations on St. George Island. At our St. George Island Bridge location, you can help us monitor a growing mangrove population, recreation use, and a constantly changing shoreline! Our second Chronolog is located at Nick’s Hole in The Plantation on the western end of the island. Here, you can help us monitor vegetation and shoreline changes following fire and tropical storm events, the expanding mangrove population, and give us perspective on changes in marsh soil as measured by Surface Elevation Tables (SETs). Please help us document these important changes occurring on the reserve lands by participating in Chronolog!
Check out our Chronolog locations for instructions on taking and uploading a photo, and for more information on Chronolog, you can visit the project website at: